Niu Feng

Publisher:威尼斯9499登录入口英文网Release time:2019-10-31Number of visits:216

Niu Feng

Associate Professor

Schoolof Accountancy

 Room 216, 2/F

 Lixing Building

 1158 No.2 Avenue

 Hangzhou, China

 Tel: +86 13903917260



 Ph.D., Southwest Jiaotong University (2011-2016)

 MA, Fuzhou University (2004-2007)

 BBA, Henan Polytechnic University (1996-2000)

Research Interests

 Corporate Governance

 Corporate Finance

 Media and Capital Markets Research  

Teaching Areas

 Financial management

 Advanced Financial Management


 Accounting Theory and empirical Research

Employment History

Hangzhou Dianzi University (2019.06. – present)

Henan Polytechnic University (2000.06-2019.05)

Publications& working papers

Niu, FengYe, Yong& Chen, Xiaodong. On Media Reporting and IPO Stock Offering PriceEmpirical Evidence from companies listed in the small board of Shenzhen.Management Review2017,29(11):50-61.

Niu, Feng &Ye Yong. Does the Media Reporting Affect IPO Underpricing of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Listed in Shenzhen?Contemporary Finance & Economics,2015,02:76-84.

Niu, Feng. Media supervisionCompany IPO and Investor Protection. Journal of shanxi finance and economics university,2016,01:44-54.

Niu, Feng. Does the Media Reporting Affect Financing Cost of IPO ? -----Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies. Journal of Business Research,2016,02:87-95.  

Niu, Feng. Does the Media Reporting Affect Corporate IPO Financing Efficiency? -----Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies. Financial Theory and Practice,2015,05:73-79.  

 Niufeng, Liming, Liyalu.Media ReportingCompany IPO and Audit Fees------Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies[C]. 2014 International Conference on ManagementInformation and Educational EngineeringCRC Press, 1167-1171.